Stop Smoking
"Those who quit smoking with hypnosis were twice as likely to still be smoke-free in the follow up than those who quit on their own."
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2005; 37-3;pages 245 - 250
Pre and Post Surgery
“Overall, our results support the present hypnosis intervention as a brief, clinically effective means for controlling patients’ pain, nausea, fatigue, discomfort, and emotional upset following breast cancer surgery beyond traditional pharmacotherapeutic approaches. The present brief hypnosis intervention appears to be one of the rare clinical interventions that can simultaneously reduce both symptom burden and costs.”
Journal National Cancer Institute 2007 Sep 5;99(17):1304-12
Medical Research
Studies on Effectiveness of Hypnosis
Science Daily
Hypnotherapy Results In Higher Quit Smoking Rate;
Oct 24th 2007
Click here for full article
Study Performed by Dr. Fasal Hasan at North Shore Medical Center, Salem, MA and Massachusetts General Hospital: "Our results showed that hypnotherapy resulted in higher quit rates compared with NRT alone," said Faysal Hasan, MD, FCCP, North Shore Medical Center, Salem, MA. "Hypnotherapy appears to be quite effective and a good modality to incorporate into a smoking cessation program after hospital discharge."
"Doctors and other health personnel should use this occasion to firmly recommend smoking cessation and emphasize the impact of smoking on their disease process and hospital admission," said Dr. Hasan. "Pulmonologists, in particular, should make a stronger case and more passionate message to their patients, and efforts should be coordinated with counseling."
Wall Street Journal Article
Michael Waldholz 10-7-03
Click here to see full article
Article Summary: Major Hospital Use Hypnosis For Fractures, Cancer, Burns, Speeding Surgery Recovery
Faster Healing: Carol Ginandes, a Harvard psychologist at McLean Hospital in Boston has co-written a study showing ankle fractures among patients receiving a hypnotic protocol healed weeks faster than usual and another study showing wound-healing benefits for hypnotized breast -cancer surgery patients.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: At the University of North Carolina, hypnosis is transforming the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
Alleviating Pain:
- David Patterson, Psyhcologist at the University of Washington's regional burn center in Seattle regularly uses hypnosis it to help patients alleviate excruciating pain
- In 1996, a National Institutes of Health panel ruled hypnosis as an effective intervention for alleviating pain from cancer and other chronic conditions.
- New York Times Article, Feb 24th 1996: For Dr. Jeffrey M. Lipton, Mount Sinai's chief of pediatric hematology and oncology, hypnotic techniques are above all a way to make patients feel less helpless. "I don't think this is a substitute for analgesia and the new generation of anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medications," he said. "But it certainly allows us to rely less on those and to give children some control over what is going on." Because of relaxation therapy and "hypno-analgesic" techniques like the pain switch, doctors can cut back on the amount of pain medication they require, whether general anesthesia or sedation, both of which pose a risk. "A spinal tap takes only five minutes," Dr. Lipton said, but he added that because of the pain medication, "the kid would spend the rest of the day -- hours -- asleep or not feeling quite right."
More Effective Surgery Results: Dr. Spiegel is co-author of a study published in the Lancet Medical Journal involving 241 surgery patients at several prestigious medical centers. The study found that patients hypnotized before surgery required less pain medication, sustained fewer complications and left the hospital faster than a similar group not given hypnosis.
New York Times
Using Hypnosis To Gain More Control Over Your Illness
“My neurosurgeon was stunned at how little medication I required before and after surgery, and how quickly I bounced back”
KIRSTEN RITCHIE, 44, is no stranger to surgery — nearly 20 years ago, doctors removed four tumors from her brain. She remembers the operation and its aftermath as “horrific.” So the news that she needed brain surgery again was hardly welcome. Determined to make her second operation a better — or at least less traumatic — experience, Ms. Ritchie, an insurance marketing representative in Cleveland, turned to an unusual treatment.
At the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine, she had four hypnosis sessions in the month before her procedure, during which she addressed her fear of the coming surgery. She also practiced self-hypnosis every day.
Eventually, she said, “I got to a place where I felt a sense of trust instead of fear.”
In February, doctors removed a plum-sized tumor from her brain. But there the similarity to her previous experience ended. Ms. Ritchie woke up from the procedure, she said, feeling “alert and awesome.” She ate a full dinner that night and went home in two days.
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Deborah Bird, C.Ht, MBA
Health Coach and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
1501 SE Walton Blvd, Suite 201, Bentonville, 72712
840 N. Pollard Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Hypnotherapy With
Deborah Bird, C.Ht.